Average weight per cubic foot is about 23 pounds. It is also popular for fine interior joinery work. Cedar swells easily and quickly when wet, which is one of its advantages as planking. and if light do not adversely affect tensile strength.

It is the favored planking for small boats and skiffs.

Both varieties are very similar in that they are fine, close-grained woods with an aromatic odor are easily worked and are fairly resistant to dry rot. The Northern type is native to the Great Lakes region and southern Canada, The Southern type grows in the coastal regions of the southeastern seaboard. White Cedar- There are two varieties of white cedar. Readily available because of its widespread use in outdoor furniture and decking. Not typically used for planking except for small strip built craft because of its tensile strength, however when encapsulated in epoxy and fiberglass makes a fine small craft. Western Red Cedar- is the softest of the cedars, has the least tensile strength and as a results, bends very well. It is light weight and favored as planking material, but is also used widely for interor finishing.

It is easily worded and comes in very long lengths. Port Oford Cedar - is light brown in color with little variations with a course texture. Due to its coloring it is also known as yellow cedar and is available in long lengths and weighs in at 32 lbs per cubic foot. These woods should be predrilled prior to using screws or nail to avoid splitting.Īlaskan Yellow cedar - is one of the strongest and hardest of the cedars.
Most are available in long lengths with straight grain free from knots. They are light weight and easily worked, however they are somehat subject o fracturing. These woods are more or less similar in mechanical characteristics. There are a number of different kinds of cedars native to different areas primarily in the US. It is primarily used in smaller round bottom hulls for frames, oars, boat hook, breasthooks, handles and poles. Though it is rot resistant, It is not suitable for planking. It is failrly easy to work wth sharp tools, sands well and bends well under steam. White ash is similar to oak in strength, hardness and shock resistance. Remember that you will be helping people in your area. If you have a wood species you would like to add and have experience with please feel free to contact us for inclusion into this listing. This is not an exhaustive listing, however it is a great start to avialable wood types and their uses and characteristics. We get pictures from all over the world from people who have built boats out of wood we have never heard of. The the next logical question is, "well what kind of wood in my area can I use". Shipping a canoe kit from the east coast of the US to Austrailia almost costs as much as a typical canoe kit does doubling the cost of the kit. When it comes to wood types and the approrpicate uses, it in fact is not a small world. Please contact us today for more information on this Rare Treasure or to arrange a showing.One of the more difficult questions we get is "what types of wood.?" People want to know what they can use for gunwales, planking, decks and so forth and it is easy for us to give an answer if you happen to live where we live.